Forum rules

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  phil auldridge 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #64

    phil auldridge

    This forum is provided exclusively for the use of Nash-Healey owners and enthusiasts.
    Please abide by a few simple rules when posting:
    1) BE NICE! There is nothing to be gained by berating another member. Your comments WILL be permanent!

    2) Restrict your comments to Nash-Healey related subjects. There are plenty of other online forums that love “white noise” Not ours@

    3) NO politics topics

    4) NO religion topics

    Members who consistently ignore these rules will be barred from future posting.

    Thanks, and enjoy your Nash – Healey!

    Phil Auldridge – Moderator

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